All profile versions ( including the released ones) are listed in the Versions table, on the Overview tab of the Profile Editor. 所有的概要文件版本(包括发布的版本)都列在ProfileEditor的Overview标签上的Versions表格中。
Each of the input and output/ request nodes has a security profile property that you can set using the Broker Archive editor in the WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit before deployment. 每个输入、输出/请求节点都具有您在部署之前使用WebSphereMessageBrokerToolkit中的BrokerArchive编辑器设定的安全性配置文件属性。
To ensure that the settings in the Server Profile will take affect when you intend to use it for deployment, always remember to save the changes you make in the Server Profile editor. 为了确保在使用服务器概要文件进行部署时其中的设置生效,一定要保存在服务器概要文件编辑器中做的修改。
To register a pathmap and the profile in the plugin. xml, you need to launch the Plug-in editor. 要在这个lugin.xml文件中注册一个路径映射和概要文件,您需要启动Plug-in编辑器。
Now that you have an artifact to deploy, create a Server Profile and configure it in the Server Profile editor. 既然有了要部署的工件,现在创建一个服务器概要文件并在服务器概要文件编辑器中配置它。
The next step is to configure the security profile, policy set, and binding at the message flow level using the BAR File Editor. 下一步是使用BARFileEditor在消息流层配置安全配置文件、策略组和绑定。
If the profile was released while it had such generalizations, then it will have to be edited by hand or using an EMF editor to remove the extraneous generalization from the released profile version. 如果当它还拥有这样的普遍化关系时发布概要文件,那么它将被手工编辑,或者利用EMF编辑器来清除发布概要文件版本中的无关普遍化关系。
Configure the settings within the Server Profile using the Server Profile editor. 使用服务器概要文件编辑器在服务器概要文件中配置设置。
After you create the Server Profile, you see the Server Profile editor that you use to set properties for deployment. 创建服务器概要文件之后,会看到服务器概要文件编辑器,使用它设置部署属性。
By adding a simple template { { subst: wikEd}} to your user profile you can enable an editor that makes it easier to enter good wiki markup. 通过向您的用户配置文件中添加一个简单的模板{{subst:wikEd}},您可以支持能简化良好wiki标记输入的编辑器。